A Recipe for Parenting Success! Just think, an actual
RECIPE for our kids so they CAN grow well…
Okay, so there really is no ONE recipe or “cook book” for raising a child, but there certainly are key “ingredients” to consider…here is one I feel is so so important (and yes, I will continue to share more over time!):
ESSENTIAL ingredient for that “Recipe for Parenting Success” and growing healthy kids and a family that can thrive:
A Self-Care Savings Account
You know the drill–you give and give and give, chaos swirls around you, perpetual motion is the name of the game–especially with your little ones–and you become more and more aware of how yucky it all feels, of how grumpy you are, of how your kids are super challenging–button pushing, rebelling, whining, doing everything BUT what you want them to do.
Of how just plain EXHAUSTED you are.
Time for YOU.
Take a minute–yes, just a minute!–and do something, just for you that feels good. Right now.
One mama shared recently how just stepping into her bedroom and feeling the comfy carpet under her toes and looking out the window feels G-O-O-D; another talked of pausing long enough to breathe deeply–amazing what a few deep breaths can do for us.
I like to choose my favorite mug and tea, put the kettle on…and if I get to actually drink it, I consider it a bonus!
How about intentionally lingering in the hot shower for an extra minute, no matter the chaos right outside the door? Or maybe burying your nose in the wonderful blooming plant in your living room or garden and breathing in the scent. Or how about gazing at a favorite photo and enjoying the smile it puts on your face? Especially those ones from first birthdays where the chocolate cake is smeared ALL over their faces?! That’s one of my favorites.
One dad I know found he would just sit in the car an extra minute, no matter the hollering in the back seat, and breathe before he started the trek from car to house with all the backpacks, snacks, jackets, fighting; another parent shared how, when she arrived at her child’s daycare center, she just sat in the parking lot for 5 minutes. That’s all. Five minutes. For her. To breathe, look out the window, maybe shut her eyes…
Or how about stopping to lean down and stroke the silky ears of your pet, or intentionally covering your computer screen while you eat a snack, or finding a silly You Tube to laugh at? Only a minute and just for you. Even a brief time alone in the bathroom with pounding on the door and little fingers reaching under the door can count 🙂
Self-care. Anything you do, intentionally and just for you, becomes a deposit. Know that each little thing adds up–it all counts. Notice how it feels as you move through today and create tiny pauses to take care of you. Notice what is different; what more you decide to do. Notice. It’ll all add up and it’ll begin to truly make a difference in how you feel, how you move through the exhaustion, how you handle the chaos. So go, right now, and create a self-care PAUSE for just a minute just for you.
Truly an Essential Ingredient. Perhaps the most important, for taking care of YOU is paramount for parenting and living well.
Go deposit into your Self-care Savings Account today.

You are worth it and your children will be blessed by it.
With JOY and appreciation,
Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam