A Recipe for YOUR Parenting Success
Growing a healthy, ready to learn child and a family that can thrive (from Alice’s Cookbook)
A pinch to many cupfuls of Self-Care
Large amounts of The Three C’s (Calm, Connection, Consistency)
Multiple dollops of Being Bored and Empty Spaces
Infinite helpings of Respect Feelings
Liberal amounts of What We Focus on Grows
Daily and Generous doses of Nature (often found in those Empty Spaces)
Many scoops of Choice
Heaping cupfuls of PAUSE
Mix with care. Let marinate. Allow for a variety of blends depending on amounts of each ingredient. Simmer all through the day. Taste and adjust quantities as necessary. Consider adding other Essential Ingredients such as Light-heartedness and Sense of Humor.
Set oven to “Heartwarming.” Bake for a lifetime.

Other additions welcomed to this Recipe for YOUR Success!
Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam