Because of the continual, hard, and often negative news we can be immersed in with media, news sources, struggles within our own communities and families, I reflect often on Mister Rogers, on what we CAN control, on how the work we do to grow ourselves as parents can strengthen us in times of any trouble.
So, with Mister Rogers’ help, let’s focus first on ourselves, consider what we really want for our children and world, and then take responsibility for the actions we take. Let’s respond rather than react. Let’s be clear on what we can and cannot do and take responsibility for all that we can…

We are responsible TO our children, community, world for how each one of us decide to think, feel, and behave. For the kind of environment–physical and emotional–that we provide for our children, for others, for ourselves.
We are responsible FOR how we decide to respond to all that is presented. Reactivity gets us no where fast. It is the “easiest” reaction to something that pushes our button, and then the result becomes the hardest to dig ourselves out of.
Let’s use all the negativity and damage that we are watching unfold almost daily (if you are immersed in the news….) as a way to grow ourselves, from the inside out. To PAUSE. To really think and consider what we truly want for our family, our communities, our world.
And then step into whatever is pushing your button and respond based on just this–what you value the most. This we do have control over–how we decide to think, feel, and act.
It is hard, for it can leave us feeling vulnerable. Yet when we act in alignment with what we believe and know to be right and good from the inside out, then amazing things can happen.
Through the hard comes real and meaningful connection.
Respect. Appreciation and gratitude. Love. Kindness. Growth. Rarely easy. Often messy. Downright scary at times. Loss is a part of this. Compassion comes from it.
So yes, how we are choosing to “see” the world right now IS our responsibility.
Be intentional. Be kind. Be clear and certain and steady. Be a hero. Even if it is “just” for your child. That can be enough. For our children? They are watching, learning, growing–show them the way by staying clear and certain in your integrity.
This we can control.

What we focus on grows and I choose to look at all the yuck we are often buried in through a lens of LIGHT.
Thank you, Mister Rogers.
With deeply felt appreciation,
Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam