A favorite story to share…
Mr. Three-year-old; a well-worn mini-trampoline; a backyard; clouds; a present adult (me).
That’s all. Here’s what I want to share–the simplicity of things, the value of SPACE to BE, what can unfold when that is all there is–the outdoors, a mini-tramp, and a few clouds.
Mr. Three: “I have STRONG muscles!” (as he jump jump jumps). “WATCH me RUN!” And off he jumps, running across the leaf and stick strewn back yard, pumping his arms back and forth…
Then ZIP! He turns and pumps his arms and churns his legs right on back towards me…
…and then Ker-PLOPS onto the ground. “I am TIRED. I need MORE muscles!”
Me: “How do you get more muscles?!”
Mr. Three: “Like THIS!” And onto the tramp and jump jump jump he goes singing, “Bumpity, bumpity, bump. I’m on a camel’s hump!” Then OFF he jumps and says, “WATCH! Now I have more MUSCLES!”
The running game continues…until…”I’m thirsty. I need more milk to get more muscles…” Off I go to get some milk, I return to find Mr. Three sitting on the mini-tramp staring upwards into the sky…
Mr. Three: “Alice, the clouds are MOVING. LOOK!”
We both stared up for a while, quietly enjoying the clouds blowing across the sky.
Me: “Where do you suppose they are going?”
Mr. Three pauses…considers…then his eyes light up and he says, “To ENGLAND! To visit EMILY and BECKY!” Two of his favorite adults who happen to be in the UK right now… 🙂
And then back to watching the clouds move “because they have strong muscles, too.”
That’s all. Simple. Lovely. Space to be, think, watch, move, consider, share, laugh. It warmed my heart. It filled my bucket. It deposited a bit more into a lovely relationship with a certain special Mr. Three-year-old.
Today, keep it simple. Listen. Watch. Enjoy.
No need to fill “empty” space. No need to supply toys or
playthings or “corrections” or even ideas.

Just take a moment to BE with your certain special person, listening and watching and thoroughly enjoying.
What a lovely way to begin your day and the inevitable chaos and craziness and BUSY it gets filled with.
With JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam