What could be different if we ‘just’ appreciated our child–right now, as they are, who they are, no matter what they are doing?
Instead of trying so hard to make our child into something WE want, what could be different if we welcomed, embraced, accepted, walked alongside them, showed them rather than forced, pushed, changed, stood over them trying to get them to do it our way…the ‘better’ way…the less-embarrassed-way…the way that makes US proud?
PAUSE today and look for something you can appreciate about your child–no matter how they are choosing to behave. Intentionally look. Maybe it is:
…how strongly they stand in their conviction (vs seeing them as stubborn and rebellious)
…how your teen chooses to buy only 2nd hand clothing (despite the fact they spend so much money doing so)
…the effort your little one made to wash their hands, even if their face is still covered with sticky stuff
…how freely your child lets you know how they are feeling…especially in public places… 🙂
…how your little one is working hard at becoming more independent (yes, via lots and lots of testing!)
…how they save their biggest upset just for you–a sign of feeling truly safe with you.
…how they slept in their own bed for an entire hour (rather than getting totally disgruntled over the continual wake ups the rest of the night!)
…how they got 50% of their spelling test correct, rather than initially bemoaning that they failed.
...how creative they can be with their clothing choices (even as you cringe over the outfit put together…)
…how kind and caring they are as they, once again, stop your progress on your adventure to pet another critter, talk to a baby, help a child who is sad, rescue a worm from being squished.
…how decisive and persistent they can be as they insist on ‘doing it themselves’ (even though it takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r)
Today, look first for and discover something you can appreciate about your child.
Do it BEFORE (or at the same time!) you stop them, follow through on a consequence, let those buttons that were pushed get the best of you. Let what you can appreciate change how you see your child. Then notice what is different for you–how you feel, how your child responds, how a situation unfolds a bit more positively or less intensely, or how maybe it is just YOU feel better about it all no matter how your child feels.

And especially, notice how your relationship feels stronger, better, more connected, maybe even lighter and more joyful. Pay attention and appreciate, for what we focus on grows. Let’s intentionally put our attention to all that we want more of!
I think you may be delighted in what shifts.
Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam