Noticed, appreciated, and always enjoyed…
An exchange overheard between a young Godmother and her 17-month-old godson following a slip and a boom onto his bottom: “You slipped! I can see it surprised you…” PAUSE. Toddler busy processing and deciding whether to cry or not.
“Boom, you went onto your bottom. See? You slipped on the water right here.” PAUSE. The tears began.
“Ohhh, it surprised you and you are sad.” PAUSE. “Would you like to keep going downstairs?” The tears got a bit louder. “Do you need to go check-in with Mama?”
YES his little head nodded as his sobs got louder. Up he went into her arms, she talking soothingly as she brought him to his Mama.
What did I appreciate?
Her gentleness. Her respect for letting him take time to decide just how this experience had him feeling. Her outward comfort in his discomfort–giving him the opportunity to explore his feelings, to feel safe and accepted.
It was a lovely moment to overhear…so very kind and respectful.
Here’s what else I appreciated…the waiting Mama who heard the fall, boom, and gentle conversation. She paused, listened, and stayed put and out of sight while she respectfully let her 17-month-old and his Godmother work through the moment. What a way to communicate confidence in her son and her friend–relationship building on all fronts. Difficult to do, wait out of sight as your little one hurts. That confidence it communicates? It also speaks of how capable her little guy is becoming.
Instead of jumping up to “make it all better” and communicating “You need me in order to manage your feelings–you need me to rescue you”–Mama AND Godmother, because of their ability to PAUSE and sit through his upset, communicated clearly that they KNEW he can feel strongly AND be okay.
What a way to nurture more of what is truly wanted–a capable, confident child.
Take time today to look around and notice and appreciate something another is doing–whether it is something to delight in or a something difficult getting worked through. And this includes appreciating your self :-).
Appreciation. It is powerful. It creates
positive change all on its own.

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Make it great today!
Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam