Tell me, I’d like to know.
How much time in nature does your child get each day? Or–what works to bring nature to your child if outdoors is limited?
How much movement is part of your child’s day? Movement via play, walking, running, climbing, plopping, dancing, rolling, stretching, etc…?
What does connection look like to you and your child? Do you and your little one enjoy time together reading, singing, dancing, playing, talking, laughing, or even just sitting together gazing out the window?
How about touch. Is there lots of warm and respectful touching…hugs, hand holding, back rubbing, rocking, lap time, leaning against each other, heads together, a light touch as you pass by, in your arms…?
I ask because these are four CRITICAL parts to a young child’s development. Move, Touch, Connect, Nature.
With plenty of all four, they can continue on a healthy path of development. They can feel and live the essential attachment and bonding. They can feel secure, calm, strong and coordinated.
They can do the hard and important work, as they grow, of lengthy focusing, of managing their feelings and bodies, of problem solving, of navigating social demands appropriately–negotiating, friendships, feelings…of attending and learning fully, of growing their independent selves just as they need to.
With plenty of all four they have a STRONG and SOLID foundation.
So tell me. What is working in your family to be sure each one of these makes up the majority of your child’s day? And what are YOUR plans this week to deposit soundly into your child’s essential foundation in life?
You may enjoy reading these for ideas and encouragement:

Important Moments in the Day of a Baby