Self-care! Taking care of ourselves is essential for parenting (and living) well.
But really, where IS the time? I am most certain when you hear “You’ve got to take care of YOU” you nod your head, mmmhmmm, find yourself saying, “Sure. YOU find the babysitter, the hours, the peace and quiet and I’ll be happy to take time for me!”
It can feel like an impossible hurdle.
And then we continue on with the race through each day, wiping noses, breaking up fights, trying to get to school, work, daycare, appointments on time and maybe in one piece. We scramble for dinner, to pack lunches, pull our hair out over the lack of help from the kids, the spouse, the anybody. We somehow manage to get through the day and land in bed exhausted. To be woken up once again and probably way to early to hit the ground running.
And don’t even TRY to get a shower or use the bathroom by yourself!
Okay. So self-care seems like an impossible reach.
Here’s what I encourage.
Self-care is like a savings account. ANY thing you do, intentionally and just for you (even if it includes your kids!) that feels GOOD is a deposit. And deposits add up. All it takes is a minute–really! Just as you’ll find in more detail in my books, l encourage you to look at self-care as what you can do for YOU that only takes a minute.
Yes, ONE minute.
Think about it. If you had a minute, what could you do that would feel good to YOU?
Maybe stand (again, intentionally) in your hot shower for an extra minute. Just stand there telling yourself this is just for you. Even if the banging on the door or the whining is ramping up.
Or plunk down on the floor and really pet your dog. Fully. Both hands on his furry head massaging away.
Or my favorite–put the kettle on, open up your cupboard and choose your favorite mug, decide on the tea you really like…and if you get to actually drink the tea it is a bonus!
I know I used to, as my little ones actually got immersed in their play and didn’t–for the moment–need me, I let go of the chore I could get done and just watched them. So I still had the chore hanging over my head, but it filled me to no end to just watch.
A friend of mine likes to step outdoors. Breathe in deeply. And just gaze. 30 seconds. That’s all.
Another parent I know found just the act of sitting down and putting his feet up–even as his kids piled on top of him–felt really good. An intentional break. Even when it turned into a wrestling match
And a parent I coached discovered if she just covered her computer screen at her desk while she ate lunch she felt so much more energized to return to her computer work following her 10 minute sandwich break. Just covering her computer relaxed her. That’s all.
Today, deposit into your Self-care Savings Account.
Just one minute. That’s all. And notice how it feels. Notice, as you do this now and again, what is different for you. If you need more ideas, check out either of my books–they are full of doable ideas.

You CAN feel better. You CAN take care of you without it feeling like an impossible hurdle. And eventually those short deposits will stretch into much longer ones…eventually 🙂
Just start with a small, brief deposit. It counts. And YOU are worth it.
Here’s to you today!
Author and Parent Coach
©2016 Alice Hanscam