I, too, get tired of all the negativity in our news. I, too, know that how I decide to respond to any negativity, to any event that drags me down is key for how I then feel and am able to participate, respond, act on.
Something that concerns me is what our children are absorbing from where our attention and reactivity is often focused. Let’s be able to respond productively to any and all of the less than wonderful news and events by intentionally choosing to put our attention, action, and words to what we want more of. And I believe that is respect, kindness, acceptance, care and compassion to name a few.
Our children are watching, absorbing, and learning.
Let’s be sure what they are learning is life-affirming
and relationship-building.
I went exploring Mister Rogers’ quotes, for he exemplifies all of this and more. I intend to share them often, for what we focus on grows. Enjoy his quotes…and maybe my take on them will give you a bit of encouragement today…a PAUSE of sorts
Be kind. Show kindness. Put being kind at the forefront of all you do; let it be the filter through which you live.
We can be kind in our “NO”s. Gentle firmness is being kind.
We can be kind in the way we PAUSE and listen. Even when we then disagree.
We can be kind in our physical touch–gentle, respectful. Even when it is to stop our child.
We can be kind with our words–always. Even when our words are speaking of things that are uncomfortable.
We can be kind by speaking our truth from a respectful, more intentional place. And now we can be more likely heard.
We can be kind to ourselves as we grieve, feel upset, are confused. Self-care. It goes a long way.
We can be kind in the care and compassion we show any and everyone in our life. Kind even when we are tired of the whining or complaining. Kind even when we are frustrated.
Maybe kind is taking that PAUSE for yourself so you CAN speak with care. Maybe kind is just saying, “I feel tired and frustrated with your whining.” Calmly, quietly.
Kind is being authentic and genuine in all you do. Able to truly apologize–heartfully–when necessary.
Kind is rarely about rescuing another from taking responsibility for their actions, agreeing even when it feels entirely WRONG, going along with something that leaves you feeling completely out of alignment with your values. No. Kind at these times is like that gentle firmness we show our children as we stop them from hurting another.
Kind is saying, clearly and calmly and quietly, “I disagree.
I will do it differently. I stand for what I believe is
right and good and inspiring.” Kind is saying, “I will walk alongside you as you struggle. I have confidence in you, we will be okay.”

Be kind today. Thank you, Mister Rogers. You have always been a hero of mine.
With appreciation and JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam