Parenting is all about relationship.
It is way LESS about making our children behave, getting them to just STOP whining, rolling their eyes, talking disrespectfully, being sure they get into all the AP classes in high school or varsity in sports or the college of our choosing. It is way LESS about making them happy or smart or strong or compassionate. It is way LESS about impressing our will and our likes and dislikes and passions onto them. It is way LESS about making them anything.
Parenting is way MORE about US. About how we decide to think, feel, and act. It requires a tremendous amount of our presence, purposefulness, confidence, energy, time, patience, compassion–our GROWTH. Our willingness to grow. Our ability to let go, take care of ourselves, stay strong and consistent when we are clear of a certain direction, be gentle and firm all at the same time. It is about our ability to PAUSE, calm, consider, and then connect from this more centered place. What a difference that makes.
It is about respect and kindness–to our children and to ourselves. It is about feelings–welcoming in all feelings, giving them each a place of value in your life, being unafraid to step into the LOUD, unhappy, MAD, distraught times and be willing to be there in the midst of it all with your child, with yourself. It is about valuing and respecting differences and abilities, strengths and struggles. It is about the respect and kindness we show our children so they, too, can learn to respect and be kind to others.
It is about focusing first on our self in order to calm down, get clear on what we want the most, and then respond to our child or a situation based on what we really want–rather than letting the emotions or the circumstance best us. And they will at times! PAUSE often. A mantra to live and act by.
It is about time. Time together, time apart, time spent playing, learning, exploring. Time given for our child to get lost in their play. Time preserved for meals and conversations and holding hands on a walk together. Time that is slow enough to truly relish being with each other; time respected as we work at keeping our days and families moving forward.
It is about the little moments. All through our day, every day–these little moments are where relationships can be strengthened and honored. Taking the moment to study the insect alongside our curious toddler. Taking the moment to pause and listen with full attention to our over-the-top excited first grader. Taking the moment to quietly watch our child at play. Taking the moment to make silly faces with our preschooler or give a quick hug to a bristly teen or linger with our baby during a diaper change. Little moments. They add up and become, over time, the foundation for bigger moments to flourish.
It is about being what we hope our children will become. Be compassionate, kind, gentle. Be funny, thoughtful, a good listener. Be respectful, someone they can count on, a warm and snuggly lap. Be adventurous and strong and curious. Instead of focusing so much on making them into what we intend, walk it ourselves. With confidence. With connection at the forefront. With acceptance. Then watch what begins to emerge…
Parenting through relationship. This is where strength is.
This is where, no matter the chaos or grief or joy that accompany your journey, you feel strong and good from way down deep that you are growing relationships that matter. That you have the gift of a relationship that enriches both you and another. That you appreciate and reflect on and have memories that put smiles on your face and in your heart. No matter the chaos or grief or joy.

Parenting through relationship. Truly a powerful statement. Let my books help you do just this.
Make it great today.
©2019 Alice Hanscam