“Let’s let it rest for a bit.”
How does that feel to you? As I read these words from Rachel Macy Stafford I feel my entire body releasing and relaxing. You?

Letting something rest for a bit is PAUSE at its best. And if you follow me, you know I am all about pausing–I even wrote an entire book about the power of pausing and the calm connection it creates, influencing all of our relationships and experiences in positive, life affirming ways. If you are interested, you can find more on this book right here.
Let’s let it rest for a bit. And now you can breathe. Think. Reflect. Take care of you for a bit. And your child? When we say these words, we may find they push back, pester, hang on us, pleading for more, for an answer, for SOMETHING. Pretty tough, letting it rest for a bit.
When we can reassure our child that we will get back to them, we will address their idea, this issue–whatever the challenge is–following “letting it rest for a bit”, then the magic begins.
The magic? It’s the message it gives to another. “I’m listening. I accept you. I have confidence in you.” It communicates you can be counted on, trusted. It gives all feelings a space of grace. It allows for greater understanding and collaboration. Ideas can flow. Connection felt. And the best part of this?
It builds relationships in healthy, meaningful ways.
When we can “let it rest for a bit” we bring mindfulness to the forefront. And mindfulness strengthens our inner-selves–ours and our children’s. Powerful, always. And it is like a muscle–the more we can rest, pause, be mindful, the easier it gets to do so. PAUSE is a big part of this; challenges are a necessary part of this. When we can embrace any button-pushing, challenging time with a PAUSE first, we are more likely going to either “let it rest for a bit” before re-engaging, or step into it feeling like we have rested for a bit. Calmer. Clearer. Steadier. Mindfulness begins to permeate all that we do–or at least a bit more often. And what a difference this can make for all of our relationships! Connection feels genuine, deeper, more meaningful. A gentle humor is more likely to emerge. Trust strengthens. Understanding and acceptance define our experiences. Magic, truly.
Two more articles of mine that you may find helpful as you explore all that “letting it rest” can bring:
Here’s to each of you as you work hard at parenting well. A huge thank you to Rachel of The Handsfree Revolution. Your work is deeply appreciated!
With JOY and appreciation,
Author and Parent Coach