Noticed, appreciated, and enjoyed…
~ The mom with the 3-year-old caught in the check out line and the little guy’s intense desire to have SOME thing from the racks enticing him. Mom’s ability to calmly say “No”, to pick him up as he began to scream, to gently and firmly hold his arms as he began to hit…and continue on with dealing with her groceries. I so appreciated her ability to stay calm and firm and kind to her son; I completely empathized with her caught in the very public forum and the many unkind looks being given and I completely disagreed with the “She should control her child! He needs some DISCIPLINE!”
Her ability to stay calm, firm, and kind communicated just what her son needed the most…
…that he could count on her to keep it together even when he could not; that she had confidence in his ability to (eventually) manage himself despite his disappointment with her “no.” What a fabulous way to walk alongside her son, guiding him through a challenging moment–truly teaching him self-discipline. What courage and resilience on her part!
~ The 24-year old and her 8-year-old buddy spread out on the floor absorbed by the board game, Settlers of Catan. She teaching him with patience, twinkly eyes, and obvious joy. He listening intently, asking questions, and continually wiggling, jumping, cartwheeling off furniture and back to the game.
I truly appreciated seeing such amazing evidence of a
lovely and close relationship that has been intentionally deposited into for years.
I smiled over the constant motion of the 8-year-old; the twinkly eyes and patience of the 24-year-old; the laughter over funny faces shared and delight in each other that was ever so clear.
I especially enjoyed their good-byes…”Can we play one more time?” “Oh, how I’d like to, as well! Let’s make a plan to SOON.” “YES! I wish we could NOW…” and out the door he semi-bounced, semi-lingered…then back for a quick and wonderful hug.
~ The Mama with her 4-year-old son in a coffee shop. She gave the little boy the opportunity to choose his treat, to hand the money over, and best of all when they sat down–they pulled out a book to pore over! A pop-up dragon book that had the boy totally engrossed in, with occasional pokes to Mama, “Look! Did you see? Can you read this part to me?” And watching him open and close and open each pop-up page, studying it, touching it, totally absorbed by it. And Mama gave him all the time he needed to feel finished.
What a way to grow a self-directed, focused, curious boy; what a rich deposit into their relationship.
Today notice and appreciate–and enjoy!–interactions between parents and their children. Let it put a smile on your face–and better yet, go say something to those you notice–including (and maybe most importantly) the resilience or patience or calm despite the outburst. It will put a smile on their face as well.
What a way to grow just what we want more of–joyful and appreciative and caring relationships

If you enjoy reading “Noticed and Appreciated” articles, here’s another for you: The Simple Pleasures
With JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam