Have a Five or Almost Five Year Old? Or a Will Be Just Six in the Fall?
Here’s what a Ready For Kindergarten child “looks” like:
Confident. Persistent. Cooperative. Collaborative. Empathetic. Self Controlled. Problem Solver. Creative. Communicative. Curious.
And here is what it takes to GET a little one ready for school–to have that solid SOLID foundation from which all else grows:
Playing, talking, singing, and reading together
with a fully present adult.
(Thank you to Best Beginnings for the pictures that made this photo and for all the work you do to help children and families!)
And I’ll add a few other things for that foundation upon which all else can flourish:
A parent who is intent on growing themselves to be better, stronger within, more confident and clear, able to be calm and comfortable in whatever their child throws at them (OR, acting-as-if they are as they work at strengthening just this!)…PAUSE. It really makes a relationship-building difference.
A parent who takes responsibility FOR the kind of physical and emotional environment their child grows in. And works at keeping it healthy all through the years.
A parent who takes responsibility FOR understanding child development, reaching out for help, discovering resources and all other support, knowledge, encouragement available–and then uses it.
A parent who takes responsibility FOR how they decide to think, feel, and act no matter how their child decides to do the same. And hopefully decides to do so from a respectful, kind place. Relationship-building all the way. More on this can be found here.
And now a child–with wonderful talking, singing, playing,
and reading with their special and present adult and an adult
who grows their calm, consistent, confident, responsible TO
their child selves–can more likely flourish.

And BE ready for Kindergarten and all things SCHOOL. Sometimes at age 5. Sometimes at age 6.
Check out Best Beginnings –lots of fantastic resources for parents no matter where you live.
Let the learning begin.
Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam