Mister Rogers exemplifies much of what I think many of us want more of; and it seems to me we all need to work at putting our attention to the good, kind, respectful especially in the seemingly continual turmoil of life around us.
One (many!) of the very cool and awesome things about Mister Rogers was his clear, consistent, passionate self. He spoke to and acted upon all that he knew to be true.
His words were more than words, for he LIVED them.
In all that he did.
We, too, can do the same. What we focus on grows. Today, look for and BE kindness. Appreciation. Respect. Show your child what that looks like. Tell your child when you see him or her being kind and respectful. Notice how they show their appreciation. Practice showing them yours.

Maybe it is the way they play alongside their friend, chatting away, and how you mention how much fun you see them having. Or that you appreciate how they remembered to feed their pet without a reminder.
Maybe it is how they stopped their busy selves to really pay attention to what you had to say. Or that they said a spontaneous, “Thank you!” Something to appreciate, for sure!
Maybe you noticed how they paused to reach down and gently pet the kitty. Or watched with delight how their baby brother blew bubbles from his mouth! Maybe the way they SIGHED heavily over the kind of project their teacher assigned AND still rolled up their sleeves and did it. Appreciate. All of it.
Maybe it is appreciating, out-loud, that despite their full speed ahead selves, they remembered to shut the door on their way out, or buckled their seat-belt, or actually SAT for a whole minute to scarf down their dinner .
Or maybe you just pause in your busy day and really look at your child. Send him love in your minds-eye, smile a bit, and watch. That’s respectful, you know, just watching. Or maybe kindness, appreciation and respect is about giving yourself a break. Time to chill. A bit of self-care. That can go a long way…
Today, tomorrow, next week–every day–strive to live the way Mister Rogers did. Be intentional with the words you choose, the thoughts you think, and the way you decide to behave. It counts. All of it. Our children are watching, learning, and absorbing.

Fill them with the kindness, appreciation, and respect necessary for living well. Our world will be blessed.
With appreciation and JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam