Lessons learned from (and delighted in and aggravated over…) an elementary aged child’s perspective:
~ It’s not FAIR. ALL my other friends get to do, wear, say…(fill in the blank with whatever it is you are saying no to). But really, what I need the most from you is your understanding that I need to feel connected to my friends, to be a part of the group…AND have you still stay firm about this and be OKAY with my mad! (I still think it’s not fair, though.)
~ I’ll give you lots of practice at taking care of your heart! Because I think my teacher or my best friend’s mom or that mom I watch on TV is smarter than you…and I often tell you so! I need you to be okay with this…mostly because I’m just trying on new ideas and perspectives and practicing all those future critical thinking skills you want me to have.
~ If you just ask me how school was today I’ll probably say “Fine.” If you ask me what I did today at school, I’ll probably say, “I dunno.” If you ask me how ANYthing went after my long day away from you, the most I can muster up is “I forgot” or a shrug or “Okay, I guess.”
~ When you ask me if I played tag or chose to swing during recess, you just MIGHT get a story! If you ask if I sat next to Johnny or Molly at lunch, you just MIGHT hear about all my friends at the lunch table. If you ask what funny or crazy story my teacher shared today, be ready to hear all I have to say! Asking me something specific often gets an answer.
~ Sometimes I have a BEST friend and we do everything together at school. Sometimes I come home sad because my best friend said she wasn’t my friend anymore. Why do friends DO that? Be sure to let me finish my cry…then maybe we can come up with an idea that’ll feel just right to me. It feels so good to have you keep me company an listen!
~ “Mom, Mom, Mom! I’ve been invited to THREE birthday parties on Saturday! Can I go, can I go? What!?! I have to CHOOSE? But I want to go to all of them! They won’t be my friends if I don’t! Moooommmmmm! You just don’t understand!” Oh the roller coaster ride I will take you on…because really, friends are so important. And so is YOUR ability to help me sort out what is right for me.
~ Doing homework can be fun! I feel important, having real homework to do. Watch me plunk right down and get to work It makes it easier for me to do this when you have the table ready and a snack for me to eat. Thank you!
~ Doing homework can be a real DRAG. I don’t WANT to spend time doing my math and writing a book report. I just want to play or hang out and listen to my music. And it’s hard! When you keep me company it can help. But be sure not to hover or give me the answers (or bug me about getting it done) because this is MY job and I want to be proud of my SELF. Though I know it’s tempting, cuz I can throw such a fit about it all.
~ Scouts, Taekwondo, swimming, music lessons, dance, soccer, art classes–can I do them ALL? When you say I have to choose I get so MAD because I have friends doing each of these things and I want to do them TOO…but really, I’m glad some days after school are just home days. I like to have time to read and dress my dolls and hide out in my fort. I like to get lost in my knitting project or even just hang out on my bed with a friend and talk. But still, can’t I do them ALL?
~ Being teased is no fun. (But teasing my little sister is great fun!) Being teased sometimes leaves me mad AND hurt. Especially when it becomes unkind. I sometimes want to crawl into a shell and never come out. Sometimes it is super hard going to school because I feel so left out. It really helps me when my family rallies around me and we play games and go on adventures together. That makes it easier to feel left out by “friends.” It makes it easier to try on a NEW friend, because you let me invite one along on our adventures.
~ I’ll leave you feeling pretty guilty when we have one of THOSE mornings. Like when we yell a lot at each other before I leave to school. I usually forget all about it once I’m with my friends and doing cool stuff. I just need you to greet me after school without reminding me of how crummy we started our day. Starting fresh is a relief!
~ It makes me feel so special (until it becomes embarrassing but that’s a whole other lesson learned) when you pick me up from school and can listen to me without telling me to wait for you to finish texting. I burst out of school to run to the car and having you there smiling just at ME feels SO good! I’ve missed you all day…(I probably don’t tell you this, though.)
Elementary-aged children. What an amazing time of growth! From 6 to 12, from eager to please to eye-rolling. From everyone is a best friend to just a few special friends. From up and ready to roll each day to dragging their toes out the door. Family time becomes important time. Go play a game with your child today!

With JOY and appreciation,
Author and Parent Coach
©2019 Alice Hanscam