Alice’s life is dedicated to supporting parents and children so families can thrive.

Her passion for supporting families extends over 40 years. She is an author of two parenting books, raised two lovely daughters, has taught preschool, co-directed an infant/toddler center, mentored daycare providers, been a caregiver for many children, taught parent education classes, and volunteered in the public schools and Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska.
These experiences have provided many families with valuable, ongoing support over the years. The richness of the relationships formed have nurtured Alice’s enthusiasm for working with and writing for parents to encourage and empower them along their journeys.

Her work and words inspire. As an author, PCI Certified Parent Coach®, and ScreamFree Certified Leader, Alice has many opportunities to connect with each of you. Parenting well and growing strong, healthy relationships is hard work . Let her work and words lift, encourage, and inspire you along your way.
Reach out and connect with her!
Alice has her bachelor’s degree in Child Study from Tufts University in Massachusetts. She earned her graduate level Parent Coach Certification through the Parent Coaching Institute in collaboration with Seattle Pacific University in Washington State and her ScreamFree Leader Certification through www.screamfree.