Life has turned upside down. Uncertainty reigns…along with fear, anxiety, worry, frustrations, kids beginning to drive you nuts, and absolutely NO time for yourself.
It is YOU I write to today. You and taking care of you so you can move through these challenging times in the best possible way. And know that can mean anything from just keeping your head above water, to actually feeling pretty darn good. Either way, you are in the game and THAT is to be appreciated.
Self-care is pretty tough to think about when all day long is spent with everyone based at home, work trying to be accomplished, brainstorming just what you all need to be okay, no school to give you a much needed break from kids, perhaps elders in your life you are caring for or about…
And yet…it all comes down to each one of us individually. We must first take care of ourselves in order to be in a good position to care for others.
So let’s start with you right now. Let this be your PAUSE to stop, take in a few deep breaths, let them out slowly, and examine the thoughts running through your head. You get to decide what you want to think about, how you want to feel, what you decide to DO.
“I’m going crazy!” can become “This is really, really hard and I CAN move through it.”
“My kids are driving me nuts!” can become “Man, they are bouncing off the walls. I can keep myself together even if they can’t!”
“I’m worried sick.” can become “I am clear on how to live healthfully and am confident in the steps I take.”
“There is NO way I can get any work done!” can become “I find just the right time to accomplish what I need to.”
“I just don’t know what to DO!” can become, “I become clear about what needs to happen and can feel good I’m doing my best.”
What we say to ourselves MATTERS. It directly affects how we feel and then what we do. What does this require of you? Self-care.
Every little bit you do, intentionally and just for you, becomes a deposit into what I like to call your Self-Care Savings Account. And with even a little bit you now have more patience, resilience, ability to persevere.
Some ideas for you in the midst of all this craziness:
- Stand extra long in your hot shower…
- Choose your favorite mug, hot drink, and make it. Drinking it can be considered a bonus deposit!
- Call a friend and chat for a few minutes.
- Sit down and welcome your dog or cat into your lap and stroke their wonderful fur.
- Do a few yoga stretches.
- Watch a funny You Tube.
- Take a lap around your yard…maybe stop to enjoy spring flowers or fresh critter prints in the snow.
- Gaze at a favorite art print or photo and let good memories wash over you.

Think about what you can do for just a minute or so, just for you, that would feel good. Then do it. Even in the midst of full-on craziness, there is time for this. And it is even more necessary than ever before.
Here’s to you in all our uncertainty and new-for-now reality. And here is another bit that might help: “Its OKAY”
You are enough!
Author and Parent Coach
©2020 Alice Hanscan